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5 Best Pieces of Advice for Engagement Ring Shoppers

Engagement ring shopping is a pretty daunting process. There is a lot of sentimental and financial weight associated with the experience that can leave a lot of couples with their heads spinning. To make the ring shopping excursion a little easier on yourself, follow these helpful tips and pieces of advice!

1. Keep an open mind about different styles.
Even if you have a crystal clear vision of how you want your engagement ring to look, try on a variety of engagement rings at the jewelry store. You will be amazed at how differently a certain diamond cut or ring style will look on your finger. The experience may introduce you to a style you hadn’t considered but now love—or it will just solidify your original desired design. Either way, you have nothing to lose by scoping out and trying on lots of rings!

A common pitfall among couples shopping for diamond rings is to equate diamond size (or carat weight) with value. Diamonds are valuated (and therefore priced) based upon the 4Cs, a collective grade based off of the carat weight, clarity, cut, and color. So a hefty diamond could be worth less if the other three Cs are not well-rated. And, on the other side of the coin, a small diamond could be worth more if it offers flawless clarity and color. To learn more about what factors into the cost of a diamond, check out this blog post.

3. Set your budget before starting to shop—and stick to it!
The very first thing to do when engagement ring shopping is to decide how much you’re willing to spend. Read our tips for figuring out how much to spend on your engagement ring here (hint: it’s not three months’ salary!).

Once you’re browsing so many dazzling rings, it can be very easy to lose sight of how much you originally budgeted and let that dollar amount creep up. That said, engagement rings are available in a surprisingly vast price range and jewelers can always work within your budget to find you the perfect ring.

4. Give yourself enough time before you want to propose.
Engagement rings can take up to six weeks to receive after placing an order. If you want to propose on your future fiancé’s birthday or a major holiday, give yourself ample time to receive—and, in the worst case scenario, exchange—the ring.

5. Have the ring immediately insured.
As soon as you have the ring and before you pop the big question, get your ring covered by insurance. You’ll likely need to add it to your homeowner’s insurance plan anyway but nothing will take the exciting wind out of your post-engagement sails like having to run to a jeweler’s to have your ring appraised. Get it covered immediately for peace of mind and one less errand to run now that you’re about to be in full wedding-planning mode!

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